Computer Laboratory
Computer labs are important component of any professional and technical Institute. The institute has six well equipped labs with latest configured computers and technologies, keeping pace with the diverse educational, training and research endeavours. Projectors are also placed in all the labs to improve the teaching and learning process more prolonged and interactive. The computer labs serve as the center for teaching computer programming, for creating and working on latest technology and imparts training to students on various aspects of IT related programs.
It provides computing facilities to all the students for their programming related practical work and Internet surfing. As sufficient numbers of computers are available, students get enough time and opportunity to practice and strengthen their programming skills. Facilities are also used for conduction of programming labs for students of various programmes, conduction of on-line tests for various companies that come to the institute for recruitment, facilitates for online registration, exam form filling etc. All students have access to computer facilities that include the latest personal computers with Internet connection and firewall authentication for security purpose, operating systems, licensed software and latest programming languages. Computer Labs built for project work, software and internet programming. Apart from the computer centre and the library, which have wired internet connectivity, the entire campus is Wi-Fi enabled with high speed internet bandwidth and security through the servers located in the computer centre.
Furthermore, Computer Centre has also been offering services to various departments and cells of the Institute in maintenance of their computer systems and peripherals.